Whether you are a Dad, have a Dad, or maybe even both, its time to lift up fathers everywhere and say thank you.
My Dad was tops. As a kid I loved to believe his mild similarity to Tom Baker meant he really was Dr Who. He would crawl around after my sister and I to the sound of Mars from Holst's, The Planets. He loved to play music and I love having his old classical guitar, the first guitar I ever played. Sadly, he passed away a few years back but it was such a privilege to be by his side in his last hours. He always was, and will be a cornerstone in who I am.
I have four version 2.0s of myself now, and they all make me incredibly proud. They are the story behind HALE and watching them have their own lives is the single most satisfying thing I can experience.
But this weekend is about us. The Dads. The Dads who make the best jokes. The Dads who keep everyone safe, even when we don't feel it. The Dads who don't need no directions because we know where we are going. The Dads who will always put down our guitars when they need us, maybe even mid solo...
So thanks Dad - for being who you were and making me who I am.
Keep Riffing
Your Son, Chris.